Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
February is Black History Month and PTSA - a month dedicated to celebrating Black history and culture, and the contributions of Black Americans. Your student can enter our FREE monthly book giveaway for a chance to win the book for their age group by picking up an entry slip in the Media Center and submitting their slip with the correct answer by 2/28. Students are welcome to bring the slip home and work on finding the trivia question answer with their families. We hope these monthly questions help start conversations, including why we celebrate Black history and all the contributions Black Americans have made. Please encourage your student to pick up a slip and answer the question for a chance to win a book!
K - 2nd Grade Question: Who was the first African American to play major league baseball?
3rd - 5th Grade Question: How many countries are in Africa?
Middle School Question: How many Black U.S. Senators have there been? Name the first Black woman to serve as a U.S. Senator.
February's book giveaways
What is the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee?
Rampello PTSA represents ALL parents, teachers, caregivers and students within the Rampello K-8 community, which enables us to best achieve our mission to make every child's potential a reality. Our collective backgrounds, perspectives and ideas allow us to create the strongest future and direction for Rampello PTSA. Our DEI Committee works to bring awareness to the importance of diversity, equity & inclusion efforts within the Rampello K-8 community at every level. Our volunteers provide resources for educational and awareness opportunities that promote diverse perspectives for both staff and families, as well as coordinate opportunities to expose students to a variety of diverse cultural experiences. Click here to read about the National PTA's Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
What are some of the efforts DEI supports?
Past events the DEI Committee provided include a Hip Hop after school club for students, activities during Mega Night to celebrate diverse cultures, monthly diverse book giveaways at our PTSA general meetings, sharing educational resources for families and staff on topics relating to diversity, equity and inclusion, our anti-racism book club and more.
Who can be part of the DEI Committee?
We are always looking for volunteers to help coordinate activities and events or to help research resources and educational opportunities to provide to our Rampello community. If you are interested in getting involved, reach out to DEI@rampelloptsa.org.
Anti-Racism Resources
In addition to our Video Resources, below are some online resources to help you talk with your students about race.
Anti-Racism Resource Directory for Parents - age-based tips, advice, conversation starters and activities.
How to Talk about Race & Injustice in America - a National PTA Initiative, The Center for Family Engagement, provides this document with steps and links to online resources to help educate yourself and talk about race and injustice with your family and in your community.
LGBTQ+ related resources
Florida's Kaleidoscope PTA - A state-wide, at-large PTA comprised of students, families, educators and other allies whose focus is advocating for safe, supportive and respectful learning environments for ALL students.
LGBTQ+ Critical Resource and Support Guide for Staff​​​​​